| | | | The Referring Sites report in the Expo-MAX Real Analytics Traffic Sources report gives you valuable analysis of visits that originate from external websites, including search engines, directories and other websites. To access the Referring Sites report, click Traffic Sources from the navigation menu and choose Referring Sites. The Referring Sites report appears on the right. There are three main components of the Referring Sites report: (A) the trending graph (B) the site summary and (C) the referrer ranking. Trending GraphThe trending graph shows you how many visits you received from referring sites for the selected date range. Mouse-over a node for more information.Site SummaryThe site summary gives you aggregate data about all of the referrers, including total number of visits, unique visits, pageviews, pages per visit, average time on site and bounce rate. Referrer RankingThe list of referrer rankings is the most robust part of the Referring Sites report. It displays each referrer, ranked by the number of visits. You can also see specific information regarding visits, percentage of visits, pageviews, pages per visit, average time on site and bounce rate. But more importantly, you can click on a referrer to be taken to a more detailed report. As you can see in this screen shot, clicking on the referrer brings you to a report specific to that referring site. You can see a more detailed breakdown of all the traffic from that website, including its own trending graph, summary and ranking of referring paths. This is useful if a referring site has multiple link backs to your website. ConclusionAs you can see, the Referring Sites report is actually numerous reports in one. Each referrer has its own detailed report. This can help you zero in on not just the sites that send you traffic, but also the specific pages which are bringing the most visitors to your website. The comprehensiveness of the Referring Sites report is just another way that expo-MAX Real Analytics is geared specifically towards helping web developers track the success of their off-site SEO efforts and external Internet marketing campaigns. | | | Referring Sites |
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